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Creating Symmetry Through Breast Augmentation

Conveniently located to serve Indianapolis

Creating Symmetry Through Breast Augmentation

For women, one breast is always larger than the other. This is just a fact of biology, and for many women, the size difference is not something noticeable or worrying. Unfortunately, some women have extremely asymmetrical breast sizes, resulting in differences of a cup size or more.

Having asymmetrical breasts can be exceptionally damaging for a woman’s self-esteem, impacting her ability to choose dresses, bras, and swimsuits. It can even make her feel self-conscious about just disrobing in front of her significant other.

But luckily, there’s help. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jeffrey Wagner is an expert at breast augmentation. He works closely with each patient to ensure that they can achieve the symmetry, form, and feel they desire to give them breasts they love.

If you’re tired of your asymmetrical breasts, contact Wagner and Associates today to schedule your consultation.